
Top ISO 9001 Consultant in Buffalo, New York (NY)

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Buffalo is the second-largest city in the U.S. That means that opportunities for businesses are big.

The city is also known as the City of Lights since its electricity comes from Hydropower generated from Niagara Falls. Aside from the power that the city is getting from Niagara, it also brings in lots of tourists to the city since it’s so close to Niagara Falls.

When there is an opportunity available for businesses, then we at IQC The ISO Pros of New York will be there as well. We aim to help businesses meet proper certification for them to grow and be successful. We also have been considered number one in the city of Buffalo for many years now so we can assure you that the service we offer is top-notch!


Wondering about the wonderful services that we offer? Some of them are below:

Facility Management ISO 41001

Being so close to a tourist spot, lots of people travel to the city and finds a place to stay at. This is a big opportunity if you’re in the accommodation industry since these people are your clients.

But have you ever wondered what’s the most important thing to take care of if you’re in this business?

Well, that would be your facilities and equipment. The ISO 41001 certification will help you create a management plan to make sure that the facilities your business is on are running in top shape. The same goes for equipment and utilities. By making sure that you know how to manage all of these properly, you’ll be able to save money in the long run and your clients can rest easy knowing everything is checked and well maintained.

Food Safety Modernization Act FDA FSMA

Food safety is a priority throughout the world. Making sure that your business meets the proper guidelines is very critical for your business to grow and become a success.

The Food Safety Modernization Act aims at avoiding any possible foodborne diseases coming from the products that are being sold in the market. To make sure that these diseases are avoided, a quality check needs to be done throughout the process where the product is made. From raw materials, cooking, packaging, and logistics.

Energy ISO 50001 and SEP

Since the city’s electricity is coming from hydropower, the costs are less compared to others. But there are still other ways in conserving energy for your business and make sure that you’re saving money in the long run as well as helping the environment.

The certification allows a company to have an energy management plan in place to make sure that energy is conserved and maintained that way for a long period. It might mean that you’ll be needing to buy pieces of equipment and materials to meet this standard, but trust us, this is much more cost-efficient in the long run.

Interested in what you’ve read? These are only a glimpse of the services we have here at IQC The ISO Pros of New York.

Send us an email now if you have any queries about any of the services that we offer! You can also call us anytime.

IQC The ISO Pros of New York can help you implement, train on, consult, and have your company and/or organization certified on the following ISO Certifications:

If you want to enjoy the above-listed benefits, contact IQC the ISO Pros of New York, now. Our services are accessible in all of the below-mentioned cities: